Each data point is one student’s current grade in one course; if a student is in multiple courses, he contributes one value per course, but if he’s enrolled multiple times in the same course (e.g. a lecture section and a lab section), he only constributes on value for that course.
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Canvas LMS includes a REST API for accessing and modifying data externally from the main application, in your own programs and scripts. This documentation describes the resources that make up the API.
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creating custom assignments for Canvas. Creating a Canvas assignment that launches the student to a custom assessment that can be automatically graded by the tool and synced with the Canvas Gradebook; Launching the student to an assessment with interactive videos.
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Developer keys created globally, by an Instructure employee, are functional in any Canvas account where they are enabled. By scoping the tokens, Canvas allows root account administrators to manage the specific API endpoints that tokens issued from a developer key have access to.
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API for accessing information on the current and other users. Throughout this API, the :user_id parameter can be replaced with self as a shortcut for the id of the user accessing the API. For instance, users/:user_id/page_views can be accessed as users/self/page_views to access the current user's page views.
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Canvas uses OAuth2 (specifically RFC-6749 for authentication and authorization of the Canvas API. Additionally, Canvas uses OAuth2 for LTI Advantage service authentication (as described in the IMS Security Framework).
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Official Login page for Canvas student login, School Search Canvas, Canvas Network, Canvas Community, and Canvas Free For Teacher accounts.
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GET /api/v1/accounts. Scope: url:GET|/api/v1/accounts. A paginated list of accounts that the current user can view or manage. Typically, students and even teachers will get an empty list in response, only account admins can view the accounts that they are in.
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A user can still be a teacher, admin, student, etc. in any particular context without regard to this setting. This can be used for administrative purposes for integrations to be able to more easily identify why the user was created.
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Upload a file CoursesController#create_file. POST /api/v1/courses/:course_id/files. Scope: url:POST|/api/v1/courses/:course_id/files. Upload a file to the course. This API endpoint is the first step in uploading a file to a course. See the File Upload Documentation for details on the file upload workflow.
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